Checkmate Global provided the installation, and removal of the following assets in support of the 2017 Presidential Inauguration and Inaugural Parade. We provided the physical assets required to create secure event spaces throughout the city, coordinating with city officials and District of Columbia government agencies and departments to ensure the install and removal plans worked for the entire planning committee.
- Anti-Scale Fence
- Anti-Scale and Anti-Pass-Through Fence
- Chain-link Fence
- Spring Fence
- Snow Fence
- Bike Rack Barricade
- Concrete Barriers
- Portable Vehicle Barriers
- Security Checkpoint Tenting and Tent Lighting
- Vehicle Screening Checkpoint Tenting & Tent Lighting
- Tent Heating
- Generators
- Light Towers
- Tables & Chairs
- Dumpsters & Trash Removal
- Heavy Equipment (Forklifts)
- Ground Protection (Flooring)
- Portable Restroom Facilities
- Gators & Golf Carts
- Traffic Cones
- Directional Signage Install
- Permitting